🗄️ Changelog
All changes to this project will be documented here.
🔮 Roadmap
Nothing in mind for now.
1.5.2 (Y2021/M11/D22) — FIX —
Fixed the bottom left bar that appears when the user hover over a link. Now it matches the theme.
Changed the description of the theme.
1.5.1 (Y2021/M10/D10) — SMALL FIX —
Fixed the bookmark text color in order to match the new inactive tab text color from 1.5.
1.5 (Y2021/M10/D9) — BIG UPDATE —
Changed the frame to a darker one.
Changed the ribbon of the active tab to a blue to purple gradient.
Changed text color of active tabs and inactive tabs in order to contrast them even more.
Changed toolbar icon color in order to match the new active tab text color.
As I'm writing this, I found a small mistake, I forgot to match the bookmark text color to the new inactive tab text color. Oops. I will send a fix update on 10 of october of 2021 (because Google reviews take 1 day... Yeah, that sucks. I sent feedback yesterday to have instant reviews, and they answered that they'll send my feedback to the team, so let's cross our fingers). Anyways, this small problem shouldn't restrict you from enjoying the new Born Dandy 🎩
1.4 (Y2021/M04/D12)
Removed the background tab. Now the background tab has the same color as the frame.
Changed toolbar to a lighter one.
Changed frame to a lighter one.
Changed the ribbon of the active tab in order to have an "stable" ribbon. Now it doesn't matter how many tabs you have open, the ribbon will look exactly the same. (Before this version, the ribbon looked strange since the tab #2 was opened, so it looked uglier with too many tabs).
Changed omnibox background to a lighter one.
Changed all texts and toolbar buttons to a lighter ones.
Omnibox background now match the new subtle and lighter background tab color.
Size of the theme should be less than version 1.3.
1.3 (Y2021/M02/D08)
Added a subtle and lighter background tab. Now you can differentiate even more between active and inactive tabs.
Omnibox background now match the new subtle and lighter background tab color.
1.2 (Y2020/M11/D16)
Removed background tab. Now it looks exactly like the entire theme.
Dev's note: I noticed that the "rainbow ribbon" special design of Born Dandy, already make the enough contrast between active and inactive tabs. So, with this change, everything will look cleaner and BD will keep its essence as a dark theme with class. This change also helps reducing the theme size, 1.1 was 9.XXkb and 1.2 is 7.68kb (it wasn't that much, but I'm a little crazy about this).
1.1 (Y2020/M11/D06)
Added my color scheme for Incognito mode.
Fixed some little inconsistencies in the Incognito mode. They were a mistake and not supposed to be that way. Now they're fixed and working as they should.
1.0 (y2020/m10/d27)
Born Dandy is officialy released on the Chrome Web Store! :-D