🗄️ Changelog
All changes to this project will be documented here.
🔮 Roadmap
Nothing in mind for now.
1.2.2 (Y2021/M11/D23) — CLEANED CODE —
Cleaned up the code.
Changed the description of the theme.
Cleaned up the code.
Updated manifest version to 3.
Removed the incognito color scheme.
1.2 (Y2020/M09/D30)
Changed toolbar and frame in order to make more contrast between them and match better the concept of the theme.
Changed the Incognito frame. It was too dark for no reason.
Fixed screenshots, icon and banners in order to match the new version.
1.1 (Y2020/M09/D19)
Fixed the name of the theme. Sorry for this one. My native language is Spanish and I wanted to translate the word "Autárquico". Seems like there are two meanings of the word, one being "absolute power" (autarchic) and the one that I wanted being "self-sufficient" (autarkic). It is because of the roots of the word in the Greek language. Though I can be wrong.
Changed the frame and the background tab. Now they make better contrast with the toolbar, so, the active tab is more readable now.
Fixed the screenshot in order to show the new tweaks and the new name of the theme in the image that I show in my screenshots.
1.0 (Y2020/M08/D17)
Autarkic Star is now available in the Chrome Web Store! :-D (originally 'Autarchic Star')